Sexy German voice
Last year we were witnesses to the emergence of Staley's big beautiful balls as he defied convention and went for it on what seemed like every 4th down. Finally, after years of waiting, we were treated to the glorious sight of Staleys big playoff D. The D that can penetrate any offensive line and smother any QB that stands before it. Staley's D is so magnificent that it will strike fear and envy into the entire league! Once Bosa comes back, Staley's D will be fully engorged, ready to strangle the life out of whichever offense is unlucky enough to come across it. This team has filled me with emotions I haven't felt in, what, has it been, four years? It's been so long I am having a hard time recognizing what I'm experiencing. Fear? Joy? Arousal? No, it's PLAYOFFS BITCHES!
Oh, I got so excited I nearly forgot to ask a question.
While Staley has been waving enormous D all over the field, our offense has been lacking the same vigor and enthusiasm. Many are quick to blame Lombardi as the one and only problem, I believe it is a combination of oline play, Lombardi not wanting to get Justin hurt and the absence of Guyton as our only deep threat. Hopefully once Slater returns our line will play better and that will make the coaching staff more comfortable with Herbert's safety. The one thing remaining is finding a deep threat. Most of the media has been concerned with OBJs landing spot this year, but there is someone else we should at least bring in for a workout. Tyron Johnson. The plus side is he already has chemistry with Herbert and would be a much cheaper option that OBJ. Thoughts?
As always, fuck the Raiders and their
disgusting couch on which they will be watching the post season.

K luv u bye!