(Herbert the pervert voice)
Mmmmmm hey there ALL YOU SEXY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLES ….. I read somewhere on the wonderful Internets that the raider fans and the raider players enjoy eating snickers upside down, do you know why that is? I guess it’s Cuz… oooooooooweeeeee there’s a part that tickles their tongues…….
Anyway, long time listener, first time postin. Y’all are amazing even that silly guy who decided to get his car washed instead of hang out with the special 10. Yeah he’s still pretty neat. So yeah, let’s move onto something charger related. I have a prediction for the wide receivers. Brendan Rice will be one of the Premier receivers and being in rotation with McConkey. And Johnston, I’m sure you’re saying what about Palmer well, he’s gonna be traded….. not exactly sure for what yet so, I’ll leave that to you guys to discuss what that possible trade might be?
Keep up the great work, all of the teams in the the NFL can suck a butt. Especially the Raiders, the Chiefs and the Broncos enjoy those snickers you dirty little bastards.
Go Bolts, and K love you bye