Ye ole commit-tee for the Hall did GREATLY fail
They should be commit-ted and banned and thrown in jail
For clearly their snobberish antics are beyond thy pail
Just as their spineless rhetoric and retorts are growing quite stale
The folks within those hallowed halls full of greats
With bronze busts of heads and etched in brass name plates
Shall be wildly searching the bottoms of their crates
But alas they’ll find NOT the dome of sir Gates
Those fools should feel shame as they kick thine own asses
And quickly go check if they do need of new glasses
For only a fool who’s as dense as molasses
Would think Hester and Johnson should be what this class is
Alas I digress as complaining is useless
So a question I’ll ask of our trio of muses
What is thine favorite of the tailgating juices