(Any voice WoolDog)
My guys, we're finally here, ready for Mon night & great news, my defibulator arrived just in time :-) As I write this Sun afternoon, I'm so amped up as we all are for this game that my brain has overloaded so I'm going to go in a diferent direction:
My question this week guys is Non-Charger related: Point blank, help me with your thoughts on this BUUUULLSHIIIIT we're all seeing with the refs constantly helping out this stomach churning Kelce-Swift Quiefs Show:
IF...IF a coach had the balls to actually call out the refs during the postgame press conference, what do you guys think would be the undeserved punishment for it? A fine?? Something else?? Obviously would make for a FUN ASS viral video though :-)
The past few weeks before, Jets coach Salah, Vikings coach O Connell were both screwed big time & all us fans are seeing it. To their credit, they stayed silent..but I'm feeling a coach at some point is gonna go postal.
Ok boys, let's smack the Cowboys & Bolt The F**k Up⚡️⚡️