Please read this in the Valley Girl unless you got something better....
Good day, my beautiful, bolt-tastic borthers. Let’s, get straight to it. I have 2 questions.
Question one; Am I hyping myself up to much for the ground and pound style of rushing attack that I love so very muchhhhh?
Ya know, The last time we saw this type of hard hitting, nose splitting, gut busting, back breaking ground and pound rushing game we had a record breaking running back running behind Lorenzo Neal. And you all know how I feel about Lo Neal. Like, hes the greatest ever 😉
Now for my second question, and I mean no disrespect for LT, as he is hands down the one of the greatest to touch the piggy skin, Like EH-VER.
Do you think that LT would have had the record-breaking season if it wasn’t for my boy Lo Neal paving the way?
That’s it.
You guys are awesome.
Ya kno