(Ahnold voice) AAUUGH!! Holy Mother of God that was the worst shit-show I’ve seen since Batman and Robin! what happened to 4th and Staley?! Are we back to the Prevent-Defense and run-run-pass-punt days of Anthony Lynn?! HOW DO YOU LOSE A PLAYOFF GAME AFTER BEING AHEAD 27-0?! The coach I’ve been supporting for two seasons is the kind of aggressive psychopath who would rip out your spine and wave it over his HEAD!! AAAUUGHH!! So where the hell was THAT guy in Duval County?! And what the actual fuck was Lombardi doing calling a jet sweep to Michael Bandy on 3rd and inches, up 27 with two minutes left in the first half?! I don’t know if they are going to say “hasta la vista, baby” to the head coach after that epic collapse, but i think Staley’s work-wife Lombardi DEFINITELY needs to be terminated! He is the absolute worst person to be in charge of Herbert's development! And so we should throw him off the plane in Jacksonville and say “hey Lombardi, consider that a DIVORCE!!” AAAUUGHH!! .
i don't know exactly who else is available to replace him, but do you know who among our coaches did a great job this year? Ryan Fuckin Fickin!! I did some googling and it turns out he coached offensive line, wide receivers and running backs in his career. Why not make THAT guy our OFFENSIVE COORDINATOR?! AAAUUUGHHH!!!
at least we're not as fucked as the Raiders! Now let's go draft a speedy receiver and a swing tackle!
k luv u bye