(Angry army voice!)
Listen up Cadets! This weekend was absolutely balls to the wall crazy!!!! I got to join my first zoom hangout, went to the DHBC BBQ and watched grown men cry like babies eating hot wings that were wayyyyyy to hot!!!!
My question is directed right at you Coach Kyle! WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!?!? I saw you on the zoom hangout in your car and immediately assumed you were on your way to the BBQ! You never showed up Maggot!!!! How are we suppposed to maintain our best friend-dom when you do butt suckin things like that!?!? Karate in the garage only works if you show up to the fuckin garage twinkle toes!!!!!
FUCK YOU BRANDON STALEY, this is somehow your fault that Kyle didn’t make it!!!! Jim Harbaugh wouldn’t let this type of behavior slide!!!! Had Jim known Kyle’s attendance was required at this BBQ, he would have put a plan in place and MADE IT HAPPEN!!!!
Dear Staley,
If you’re listening to this……SUCK MY BUTT!!!!! Kyle should have been at the BBQ!!!!!!
Anyways maggots! Thanks for letting me come on and rant my butt off like an old angry army vet!
Fuck the Raiders!!!!
Burn the Kingdom!
And Choke The Donkey’s!!!!
Lt Tony signing off……
And as always……
SUCK….MU BUTT!!!!!!!!