Hey guys, it's Gameday & I know my peeps are geared up for today. I don't have a question but I have to share something first regarding our little Max:
Took him to the Vet this morning for his first checkup & it turns out Max is..... a SHE!! 🙀🙀
I was amazed & stocked this little kitten dug Charger highlights & now the truth becomes clear.....SHE HAS A FLIPPIN' CRUSH ON HERBERT 😻 No wonder she was passed out during the 1st preseason game......she doesn't give a rats ass about Easton Stick!! 😾
Ah sheeeit...Now I'm gonna have to buy a pink Chargers jersey for her.....fine, I already picked up her up a new collar...black with pink lightning bolts on it....I shit ya not. So, Max is now.....Missy the ChargerChat kitty 😺 Hoo Hah
Also, wanted to give a huge kudos on the Harbaugh interview WoolDog & congrats for making a voice shot in the Charger Behind The Scene Making the Bolt video at around the 9 min mark...we all know WoolDog's voice when we hear it ⚡️
So, with today's game...I was thinkin' of the movie Purple Rain, when Prince was watching Apollonia singing & the manager told him "Better kick ass Fri night" That's all of us BoltFam......"Easton, better kick ass today"......or else 🙄
See ya Tues guys