(Wooldog- pick your favorite voice in your library)
Hey guys! Thunder Thor here, First off I want to applaud your unwavering fandom towards the team that we all seek therapy for year in and year out. Your shamelessly positive attitudes are always an uplifting moment during the week, especially during the season. The shameless positive attitude is what I believe is what has brought you 3 so much success!
Now lets get serious...FOOTBALL IS OFFICIALLY BACK! Its training camp week and I will be there Saturday with the family celebrating the return of the only sport that truly matters! In honor of the celebration my question is this, I know you guys have been fans for many years but what is that moment in your fandom that you knew your just became a Diehard fan?
I know all of us Diehards have that 1 moment, whether it be a certain game, player or even play.
My Diehard moment came in 2006 during a Chargers Raiders game with Drew Brees 3 yards in front of me, Philip Rivers & Shawn Merriman 15 yards to my left talking ball and one of the greatest coaches the Chargers have ever had in my opinion within arms length yelling into a referees face after LT just punched through the goal line right next to me.....Why was Schottenheimer yelling, why was I so close and what happened next in this epic Diehard moment, I will reserve for a future episode or maybe some kind of "focus segment" if its sparked enough interest 🤔.
Cant wait to hear your Diehard moments from each of you, Family Trust Respect, FTC, FTB, Bolt Gang or Do Not Bang, K Love you Bye.