(Darth Vader voice)
If the quarters of that Texans game were all named after Star Wars movies they would be: The Rise of Salyer, The Return of the Mack, The Bandy Awakens, and The Ekeler Strikes Back. Even Sith Lord Jerry Tillery looked good! Michael Bandy seemed to provide a Keenan-esque dimension to our passing game, while Linsley’s renewed presence at center and Salyer looking like an OROY candidate at left tackle made the O-line‘s performance more than serviceable. That is pretty far removed from the mess it seemed to be in just a few days ago. Perhaps my lack of faith is disturbing, but i am wondering if you all think our team depth is starting to live up to our preseason expectations, or am I just overreacting to a win against a shitty Texans team that we almost managed to blow again in the 2nd half?
Fuck those pirate hookers with a lightsaber in the dark side, and their bitch-ass quarterback too
K luv you, bye