Will Ferrelll voice.
Lately whenever I crash a Chargers game at other teams stadiums I've been getting asked if this was my place and I tell them "No, I live with my mom" What a stupid question right? I mean I had on Charger's Chat swag... duh, I almost nunchucked their asses, they don't even realize.
Anyway, after crashing the Card's pad next up is the Pirate oven in LV where I understand the "always a groomsman and never a groom" David Carr was crying after his running back stole his win. What an IDIOT... oooh what a LOSER! Hold on.... HEY COACH, THE RUN DEFENSE, WE WANT IT NOW, THE RUN D! What is he doing? I never know what he's doing back there. But yeah, Carr should be too busy thinking about his cheerleaders to keep his upper head in the, after all grief is natures most powerful aphrodisiac. COACH! THE RUN D! FUCK!!!
Anywho, we got road game this Sunday and your coming with but bring condoms. There's going to be so much pirate grief tail to be had! Family Trust Respect! KLUVUBYE
Sorry we didn't get this one in on last week's episode. Would've been a fun one.