Please read in you ever so Famous German Voice. You know the one. The sexy beast of a German one. OOF....... SO I know, you know how I feel right now? But if you don't, Imagine that you just got kicked in ze Shnitzel with a Cheese Grader. So yeah, it hurts. Since these losses are unhealthy I went to mein Dr and Mine Dr. perscribed a healthy dose of Bolt Ze F** UP and he also told me to find one positive thing for every loss we have, and to daily to share those positivities with other Chargerfans. Since we have 2 losses...Ich bin sauer...ooh sorry.... Since we have two losses I will share my 2 positive things about last weeks game.
One: Mein New favorite Charger(RIP Horvvath), Dicker Za Three Legged Kicker remained Perfect for the second straight game nailing his 10th kick right through ze uprights.
And Two: Our offense has not had a single turnover in both games in which we have played 2 teams that are consitered to have very capable defences.
I am happy with my bolts performance and I am excited for when we all come together for all the Dubs. Just think.... Offence, Defence, Special Teams and Coaching all at once like a Ramstien Mosh Pit. It will be Glorius, ya
Would each of you please help us to cope with ze two losses so far by sharing two positive things from this game? No cheating Kyle..... So ya no copy cats either ;-) BTFU