Listen Up Cadets!
Patrick MUTHAFUCKIN Mahomes really fucked up our shit today! He wasn’t even THAT great, 19-29, 245yrs, 1 TD and 1 int. But this THING that I have been calling the “Patrick Mahomes Effect” keeps crushing us, OVER AND OVER!!!
These close loses to the Chiefs feel like a swift kick to the nuts! The “hope” we develop throughout the game, gets stolen away from us at the last minute! WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?!?
I know we were missing our 2 best tackles, Derwin and Joey, but part of me wonders if we will ever beat that MUTHER FUCKER again…….
My question this week is directed at ALL 3 OF YOU…….if you are Jim Harbaugh, what are you telling the team in the locker room to keep everyone motivated and hungry for the Denver Broncos!?!??
Burn the kingdom!
Fuck the Raiders!
SUCK……..MY BUTT!!!!!!