What a freaking game, gotta give it up to Roman for creative early play calling (just needs to sustain it through the entire game) and another Minter masterclass in whooping ass. Boltfam needs to stay positive. Saw a lot of poopy vibes from fans in the forums at the end of the game. But we got to see Herbs in victory formation for the 3rd time, in 5 games (3 of which were against top 5 defenses) with 6! Rookies contributing in meaningful reps. The refs also missed like 4 egregious holds as the game was a blowout. In a tighter game, they probably call those.
Given the rough salary cap and this being a rebuild year before the season, we look ahead of schedule. I’m feeling confident that we are going to be a WC team no one wants to see in January. What are your thoughts on all the injuries during the game? I feel like last year, a lot of those players don’t try to come back, but this year with Herbert’s leadership and gutting it out with his injury along with Harbaugh’s unmatched enthusiasm, these players are reaching deep to fight for their team. I mean Ladd and QJ, take a freaking bow. Y’all earned my respect today. Solid win boys, let’s go bird hunting and Super Mighty Boltz!